Devastated Pat Spence says the beautiful landscape she once knew has all but been destroyed by a mass of turbines. By Stephen Houston Pat Spence is surrounded by wind turbines (Photo: Euan McCall/Ayrshire Post) When she arrived 30 years ago, the area was untouched and as close to wilderness as you get in Ayrshire. […]
Éolien chinois
New wind power projects banned in 6 regions China Daily, February 23, 2017 Workers with the power supply company in Chuzhou, Anhui province, check the transmission network under the State Grid before it is connected with a local wind power farm. SONG WEIXING / FOR CHINA DAILY The National Energy Administration (NEA) has issued red […]
Les éoliennes ont bouleversé leur quotid
Laurence et Sylvain Fauvé souffrent « de nombreuses nuisances » depuis l’installation d’éoliennes près de leur maison. La plus proche est située à 680 mètres de leur habitation. Photo M. D. Jusqu’au printemps dernier, la famille Fauvé n’avait aucun problème avec les éoliennes. En mars, l’installation de six d’entre elles, plus proches de leur maison, […]
Living near a wind farms can cause sleep...
Living near a wind farms can cause sleep loss, stress and anxiety, government review finds ‘Clear link’ between amount of noise emitted by energy site and irritation suffered by nearby residents Energy and Climate Change department paper finds ‘increased risk’ of suffering from sleep deprivation from turbines exceeding 40 decibels Tory MP Glyn Davies demands […]
Bande dessinée pour les petits et les gr
Tiny the Turbine Tiny the Turbine is a story written by Lyndsey Ward with cartoons by Josh. Lyndsey was asked to write a children’s book to counter the wind propaganda that has been allowed into schools. It follows on from her tale of Subsidy Sam, a satire primarily for adults also written to counter wind […]
Eoliennes en feu
Un petit rappel aux élus du Douessin concernant les éoliennes industrielles … devant la mairie d’Antoigné Devant les éoliennes industrielles d’Antoigné.
Wind Farms in Canada
Au Canada …
Daily Caller News Foundation Windswept D...
Windswept Denmark Says Wind Energy Has Become Too Expensive Michael Bastasch Wind turbines producing green energy, Tehachapi, California (Hank Shiffman/Shuttershock) Denmark’s government abandoned plans to build five offshore wind power farms Friday amid fears the electricity produced there would become too expensive for Danish consumers. “Since 2012 when we reached the political agreement, the […]
Hundreds Of European Wind Turbines Are O...
Hundreds of wind turbines in the Netherlands are operating at a loss and could soon be demolished, according to an article published Thursday by the Dutch financial newspaper Financieele Dagblad. Subsidies for generating wind energy aren’t cost effective anymore, according to the paper’s analysis. Most of Europe’s modern wind turbines are struggling to be profitable […]